3rd witness

3rd witness


Me again!

Just found out this morning that a third complainant made a statement last month, against the perv that I am facing in court shortly.

The perv was arrested again, and once again denied all allegations!

It's too late to combine this case in court with mine and the second persons'.

The Judge can mention this statement in court, if he considers it to be appropriate. According to the Policewoman, the details are very similar to mine.

The Policewoman is very good - she told me that the only reason these people are coming forward, is because I made my complaint initially and the fact that it received publicity when the perv first appeared in court.

It's a bit of a double edged sword, as my case is gaining strength because of the additional complainants. My sadness stems from the fact that there are others out there that he abused (although I always suspected there were).

The first time I spoke to the policewoman, she was 'matter of fact' about things, you know, just doing her job. Today I noticed a distinct change in her voice, which was very supportive - it's not just her words, it's the way she speaks.

The third person is going to attend the court case, because he thinks that he will find closure from being there. The policewoman, also told me that he wanted to thank me for being the first to come forward, as that is the reason he has gained strength to do the same.

I don't know what I feel at the moment - it's still that mixed bag of relief, that I now have an opportunity to face my demons and slay them in public. This is mixed with concern for the others that were abused and still have not found a voice.

It's going to be daunting for the next few weeks. I know that I will suffer many mood swings and that stupid things will trigger me. The difference now is that I can see light at the end of that very long tunnel!

Thanks again to everyone for your support & strength to you all!

Best wishes ...Rik

I know this is going to be hard, and if he is in denial then it is up to you both to nail him.

The best way to go about things is to tell the truth, and I know that seems obvious, but any sway against the truth, and a barrister will twist it all around.

If he is found guilty, and I sure hope he is, the judge will also take the third guy into the equation without him having to give evidence.

The worst he has going, is that he has denied the offences which makes any sentence a lot longer than if he admitted it.

He has his age going "for" him, because he is old, but he should still get a long enough stretch, and will be beaten in prison and abused.

I would love to be there to just stare at the b*stard from the gallery, he sure would not like that!

Good luck,


I'm sure this must be very hard for you. I think you have amazing strength and courage to break the silence, talk to police, and go to court. I do not know if I would have such strength. You have done even more, you have given strength to other people that this b*stard (yeah, that's a good word) has abused. As sad as it is that other people were abused, please be proud that you are helping others.

We are all here for you, supporting you.

Rik, you go man. I applaud your courage and I'm happy for you that you are able to persue justice in this issue.

Strength and courage my friend!
Rik I will be thinking about you these next weeks. I am proud of you for taken that !st step in helping other who have been abused come forward.

Father R who abused me died in 1965 so he will never face justice on earth but I still want to help other who where abuse come forward. My Restorative Justice case is moving slowly now but someday I will have my day.I am glad that RJ doesn't have anything to do with the court system.

I know it will be hard for you to be up there telling your story to all the world, just remember all your friends here will be with you.
My perp died about 10 years ago. I saw him one more time two years after he abused me, and never again. I wish he were alive so I could confront him.

Thank you for your courage, Rik.

You have done and are doing immense good by these actions. I salute you and thank you for helping others realize that they are not alone.

I get chills up my spine thinking about the possibilites of other survivors coming forward to confront the perps.

I also imagine the puckering of a certain body part of perps everywhere when another one of their ilk faces an accounting for what they have done. These perps will now have to wonder if today is the day when there is a knock at their door.

You are a man of courage. Thank you so much.


Being the first one to come forward with the accusations was an act of incredible courage and you deserve every accolade for that. You are not only facing your demons but also helping so many others to face theirs.

I think we have to assume that all pedophiles are into this for the long term and have many victims. The only way to stop them is to speak out. Thanks for leading the way like this.

Much love,
Thanks again everyone for your supportive comments.

I certainly never felt as though as I was being courageous when I first made my statement. I think it was more a mix of desparation and the need to finally confront this thing. I think I keep going forward, because I do not ever want to go back to where I was at my lowest point!

Today I should have been really happy that I have gained further support. Instead I've been beating myself up because the 3rd witness is allegedly around my age and he has never spoken of this before. I just keep getting images of myself at my worst & picturing this person feeling exactly the same.

It seems much more real now, and I am so angry at the perv for denying what he did yet again. 3 complaints & 3 denials.

I'll stop beating myself up, for I know that is stupid! Who knows - maybe I will get 2 new local friends from the case, that I can talk to directly. Maybe then we can all help each other.

Thanks for being the most supportive people I have - my friends are supportive also, but they cannot comprehend the reality of what abuse does to our minds (they've seen the evidence in my case).

It's been a very difficult few years, but maybe soon I can start living up to one of my nick names again and turn back into a laughing clown

Thanks again....Rik

I wish you peace as you face these next few days/weeks. Your courage is an inspiration to many of us.


Lots of love,
