3 things you'd want others to know

3 things you'd want others to know
They-, also, I should remember things to me directly. Right now, especially it is hard to think on.

1. It - not my mistake, not your mistake, not, the mistake of anyone here, any child harmed.

2. I - not that have been made to me. It - difficult to me to remember. I - not that have been made. It did not create me in whom - that still. But--

3. I - who - that another than whom I would be, if these things, they have not happened. It mentions me as I treat people, good and bad people. And people should know, it - I as I grow as I study, it forces me to operate, as I do. Not, which this person has made incorrectly to me, but they should ' pay a consequence ' some times how my head works that has been finished off past. For this purpose, I am sorry. But I cannot change it. I can try to make only it better now.

Still 12,

This is off topic for this thread I guess, but I just wanted to say this is a very courageous post.

On your 3e, no, I don't hate you. You are asking for help with a serious issue and you are not the only survivor with a problem like that. You deserve support the same as any of us do.

Have you checked with the mods about the "At Risk" forum? I think that's where they prefer to have such discussions, in a more confidential setting.

Take care,
1. I have never hurt anyone but myself.
2. I have no desire to hurt anyone, only, on occasion, still, myself.
3. I will never willingly hurt anyone else because sometimes abuse creates people who nurture rather than destroy.

Livingfaraway - You requested responses to your question. You have received many thoughtful and honest answers. I wonder why you have not added your own thoughts. - John
1) You can ask me anything.

2) I still have grumpy times.

3) I... have no idea what the third thing is.