

That's a horrible thing to have happened but I am glad that you were able to find us to help you help yourself through all of this.

I hope these people are not still within access but whether they are or not you are not alone in the struggle. You have some choices to help you deal with what happened. Please feel free to lean on any of us here to help you with your struggle as we are all in this together.

You did NOTHING wrong, these sick f@cks did. :mad:

Peace to you and welcome to the wolf pack.

Marc :)
Tim: Welcome to our den. I am sorry for what brings you here but am damned glad you found us.

You gotta remember something Tim> It was not your fault ever and never will be. You got screwed by some real screwups. I mean that figuratively. Those shits did not give a damn about your or your feelings and it is good to be angry. You are in the right place to heal. We are a wolf pack here. Why. Because we are social, protect each other and the weak and are supportive and have compassion and love of one brother wolf for another.

Tim I am going to offer you some advice. If I were in your position I would go to the authorities. You are did nothing wrong and have nothing at all to fear. It is they that must fear. You said you were their first victim. From that I would believe that they are going to do the same sort of sick shit to others.

Tim if you need advice on this I would suggest you talk to Waumei at this site by private post or to MSADSMIM by private post.

I think that you are an extremely brave young man to open up to us. I know how painful that can be.

But Tim you are never alone in this again ever. We are all here for you. But please talk to who I recommend. They can give you guidance on the best way to proceed.

You owe those sick fxxks nothing believe me except to be exposed.

Your brother and older Wolf



You have taken a very courageous step in speaking out about your abuse and telling your story. We are honored by your trust in sharing it with us here. You are in a good place for support here Tim
You do not belong to the sick cult of those who so horribly abused & brutalized you. You are a member of the brotherhood of male survivors, and we are honored to have you here. We are here to try to help one another vent our anger, ease the pain, and heal. Take care, Tim.

I don't want to alarm you but if you haven't already, get tested for HIV! If both your rapists were HIV+ there is a good chance you contracted it...

Welcome the pack my brother. You have found a place of love and healing. We are a brotherhood here we support one enough always. You are never alone because we will always be with you to help you through the bad times. I am proud that you are going to the police it means you are a very stronge man. If you every want to talk please join us in the chatroom their are a couple of us that are your age and might be able to help you through some of the hard times.

lots of love, Nathan

I hope you find this site and the people here helpful as I do.

You mentioned that you don't want to go through the courts, and I can certainly understand that. But do you have a therapist? There is an article on the site here that can help you in looking for someone.

Coming here is great. I believe it does help me and it can help others, even you. But sometimes we need professional help, and this is not it. Even if you don't want to go to the police (and I don't blame you), you might want to consider getting some professional help.

Glad to see you've found us,

Tim welcome. None of asked to come here, none of us asked to have happen to us what happened. But, we all came here looking for the same thing. Support, friendship and encouragement to get through it. You have taken a big step by speaking out, keep coming back, nothing is stupid, no one will point a finger, we are all in this together and hopefully help to stop the maddness of SA.
I'm glad you are starting to deal with this while you are still young, so many of us leave it until we're way too old, then we suffer many years of torment.

With the right help, a good therapist who understands SA, support from family and friends - even if they don't know about the abuse they help just by being there. And of course there's the guys here, so supportive and giving. It's a great place.

I don't know how US laws / police work exactly, but here in the UK victims of abuse can talk to the police in confidence without them having to actually make a statement and following up with legal action. The police need every scrap of information they can get to help them piece everything together and backup the statement of any other victims.
But it's something you have make a decision on, but it might be worth a phone call to see what you can do.

I hope you find this a good place to be Tim, we all do.
