227 years

227 years


I don't think any American of my generation will ever forget seeing the Stars and Stripes flying over Buckingham Palace and the band playing The Star Spangled Banner after attacks of September 11, 2001.

On the Fourth of July of years past you would see many flags, 'Old Glory' the 'Gadsden Flag' and the Flag of France, even the 'Confederate battle Flag'. But this year their are many US flags, but not a French Flag to be seen, I guess most people think our debt to Lafayette has been paid in full. But 227 years after the Cantonal Congress voted for Independence from the British Crown I walk out side today and see something I never thought I'd see on the Fourth of July, Union Jack's. The wold has changed, and all I can say on this Independence Day from one nation of survivors to another is God Bless America and Rule Britannia. Let old fights be forgotten.

Rule Britannia
James Thomson

When Britain first at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main
Arose, arose, arose from out the azure main
This was the charter,
The charter of the land,
And guardian angels sung this strain:
Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves,
Britons never never never shall be slaves.

The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall:
Must in, must in, must in their turns to tyrants fall.
While thou shalt flourish,
Shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.

Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke:
More dreadful, dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke.
As the loud blast,
The blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.

Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
All their, all their, all their attempts to bend thee down
Will but arouse thy,
Arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.

To thee belongs the rural reign;
Thy cities shall with commerce shine:
Thy cities, cities, cities shall with commerce shine
All thine shall be the,
Shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles thine.

The Muses, still with freedom found,
Shall to thy happy coast repair:
Shall to, shall to, shall to thy happy coast repair
Blest isle! with matchless,
With matchless beauty crown'd,
And manly hearts to guard the fair.

God Bless America
Irving Berlin

God Bless America.
Land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies ,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America
My home sweet home.

God Bless America,
Land that I love
Stand beside her,
And guide her,
Through the night
With the light from above,
From the mountains,
To the prairies,
To the ocean,
White with foam,
God bless America,
My home sweet home.
God bless America,
My home sweet home.
Thanks Brian,
Our history goes a long way back and spreads around the globe, some of it is best forgotten as well.

But along the way the UK has made some good friends, and there's a good feeling to the people of the USA right now.

Enjoy your Independance Day.

Congratulation to America, on the day of your independence.
Thanks Brian, both for the words and for sharing the experience of the Union Jacks flying. That really is something and makes me proud.
