16 Months, Still No Job

16 Months, Still No Job


Its been a long hard time of dealing with all my SA issues and looking for a job since I was laid off Dec 02. Many times I fell like I am a marked man that no one wants to have anything to do with. Can they look through me and see that I am carrying all this extra baggage that drags me down. So many job interviews but never a job offer.

All the lobbying we did at the MN capital the last 2 years to change the laws has failed. I was so positive last year that we could make a difference but the legislators just dont understand.
I havent had the energy lately to come here and truly deal with my healing. Now it seems I have spent too much time going no where but down.

I know that there was no way to not deal with my SA issues but I cant help but wonder how different things would be if I had only keep it all inside. Tom
Tom you said:

know that there was no way to not deal with my SA issues but I cant help but wonder how different things would be if I had only keep it all inside. Tom
I think you know the answer to that my friend.
I know it is black right now but you know you do make a difference and are an inspiration to so many. I will never forget the friendly kick in the butt you gave me.

It will all work out Tom.
I kinda thought you must be feeling down lately. I am sorry to hear it. I think of you as a good friend and ally. I know that doesn't get you a job but wanted you to know it.

Beyond the real financial needs most of us have which make it important to have a job, our value as human persons and particularly men, I think, is too much measured by working, the kind of work we do and how much we get paid.

I say this because I want you to know that you are valued by me and others here and that the other stuff you are doing now as you look for work is important, too.

If you aren't picking up some self-esteem from that, you should (darn it). And that self-esteem should (darn it, again) help buoy up what must be a really frustrating job search.

The lobbying has not failed. It's just not complete yet, that's all. A lot of laws in a lot of places have to change, and they will.

When I was faced with a bleak market, I hired myself and started calling around. It's scary sometimes, like at the ends of fiscal years, but it has kept us going. It might be something to consider.

You do know how things would be if you'd kept it all inside. If you don't remember, go and read some of the first posts people make when they come here.

Hang in there.

I have a cousin in MN who either is or used to be an attny. for the state. I believe that he has written laws before. When all of my stuff settles down some, I might be able to put you in contact with him. (that side of my family doesn't know anything about me being here yet).
Thanks Guys It has been hard but sure things will change soon. Going to take out a loan on our house to get us through the next few months. We live in a small town and the banker knows we are good people. That has taken a lot of stress off my back and gives us a little breathing room.

May have a job at the local foundary not much pay but will have Health Insurance. Looking forward to work no matter what it is. Without income it's so hard to work on all my other projects. Tom
I can understand some, what you are saying. There are times I wish I could return to being rather unknowing of my feelings and issues. I just had ignored them for several years, and would like to have maybe gone back to just ignoring again. Even my girlfriend has said few times that she would like the 'old' me back again. But I know that I will be a much better 'new' me as I work through this, and definitely more honest in who I am.

I am sorry you have been out of work for so long, I really hope that you are able to find something very soon. Please take very good care of yourself.
