12 Step Abuse

12 Step Abuse
Recently I was very hurt when I shared some stuff and my sponsor didn't want to listen to me. I listened to his problems and then when it was time 4 me to share he and he didn't want to listen, so I got very angry and told him I couldn't handle that attitude right now.
I know that a lot of this goes back to my Dad since my Dad never listened to me nor acknowledged me. He never gave me any attention.
I finally figured out why I got so angry when men would not look me in the eye when in conversation.
I agree with Andrew.

I'm not sure what the role of this sponsor is, but my impression is the sponsor is supposed to provide some sense of support, which includes letting you share and them listening attentively. If this sponsor won't let you share, they are sponsoring good in my opinion.
Ditch the sponser. Thats the thing i hated about AA it was ok to talk about my addictions to booze and drugs but when it got round to telling my story the absue was a no, no. A freind of mine who is also a survivor and an addict started up his own AA/NA meetings only open to survivors he was inundated.

From the limited research i did about my addictions i can safely say that i inherited my liking of anything that changed my mood, my abuse didnt cause my addictions but im sure it didnt bloody help.

Take it easy

Thanx guys for your support,
It always good to get both support and objectivity from you guys.
Been having a tough time getting a good Doc for my fibromyalgia so I may have to go back to UCSF.
Will look for a new sponsor soon.
