11 Days until possible no return/ Abuser gets completely released
it is now almost 11 days until my abuser gets released from his final conviction and disposition with the Fla courts.My abuser has been supervised now for some time following a stretch in the big house even though it was not a long enough stay.
Original sentence: 7 years prison
10 years probation/parole
Total served 14 years
Damn system should have let him serve the entire sentence maybe just maybe they can get him on a Jimmy Ryce and have him committed to a psycho institution since most offenders are now being committed instead of letting them go free.All the registrations in the world for sex offenders won't help keep my abuser from re-offending it is just a matter of time and i sure hope I am there when he goes down for the last count but,until then I will be at the gun range every day from this point on fine tuning my sharp shooting skills.
It does not help right now that I am re-living the flashbacks of the abuse knowing how very soon things will be taking place as i will have to go back into court over the next 11 days and watch the inevitable happen when a judge lets yet another "Convicted Sex Offender go free"
Only catch is I had the department of law enforcement update my offenders information and photo on the net just with a phone call after their info being 4 years out of date so now I know what my perp looks like just in case should I need to watch my six.More as things progress over the next 11 days until then I live in the state of mind hell and the unknown.
Original sentence: 7 years prison
10 years probation/parole
Total served 14 years
Damn system should have let him serve the entire sentence maybe just maybe they can get him on a Jimmy Ryce and have him committed to a psycho institution since most offenders are now being committed instead of letting them go free.All the registrations in the world for sex offenders won't help keep my abuser from re-offending it is just a matter of time and i sure hope I am there when he goes down for the last count but,until then I will be at the gun range every day from this point on fine tuning my sharp shooting skills.
It does not help right now that I am re-living the flashbacks of the abuse knowing how very soon things will be taking place as i will have to go back into court over the next 11 days and watch the inevitable happen when a judge lets yet another "Convicted Sex Offender go free"
Only catch is I had the department of law enforcement update my offenders information and photo on the net just with a phone call after their info being 4 years out of date so now I know what my perp looks like just in case should I need to watch my six.More as things progress over the next 11 days until then I live in the state of mind hell and the unknown.