I sleep Noon to 8:00pm. When ever I can't sleep all I have to do is go out and talk to the construction workers who are building a housing complex across the street. I'll trade my hammers and rip saws for your racing thoughts. And raise you a bulloldozer. But whatever the reason, there are lots of times that I can't sleep either.
Sure, we are suppose to come here and be all sympathic and supportive. And I do care. Really! But the things that are bothering you last night are pretty much in your head. Mine are just a few feet outside my bedroom window. And they have been working on that plot of land for two years. I have written letters to the editor, my state representitive, both senators, the President, and every member of the town counsel. They don't care. To top it off, the house being built directly across from mine is for one of the few people in this town who I truely, deeply dislike. And she doesn't even know that I live here.
You know what really pisses me off? You are going to get more sympathy from the guys in this web-site, myself included, than I will get from the entire nation.
Much like you, my mind races in the time of sleep. And in the process I am dodging hammers, saws and heavy machienery of every kind.
This probably makes me seem like a small, petty person. It isn't intended that way. I'd just like to get some sleep and hope you sleep well to.