Books by members

This forum is for members of the MaleSurvivor community to showcase their published books, to recommend an appropriate book or related item for our list, please contact our Webmaster
Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men by Richard Gartner
In the growing professional literature on child sexual abuse, few books focus specifically on the experience of victimized boys and men. Interweaving vital elements of psychodynamic and trauma-oriented clinical practice, this much-needed volume examines how sexual betrayal affects boys, the ways they carry this hurt into adulthood, and how therapists can address the unique needs of men with sexual abuse histories. Exploring the impact of abuse on men's emotional development, gender and sexual identity, and relationships, the book provides in-depth consideration of individual and group treatment issues. Numerous case examples draw readers into the direct experience of these clients and the clinicians who work with them and illuminate...
Beyond Betrayal by Richard B. Gartner
"With compassion and clarity, Richard Gartner shares insights from years of working with male survivors. Among this book's greatest strengths is the extensive use of examples from Dr. Gartner's clinical practice to illustrate problems and solutions on the path to healing. Beyond Betrayal offers support, encouragement, and useful skills to men in recovery." —Mike Lew, M.Ed., author of Victims No Longer and Leaping Upon the Mountains"If you have been sexually abused, this book will give you information, hope, direction, and most importantly, the assurance that you are not alone. Dr. Gartner has written an accessible, compassionate book that clearly lays out the healing process for men who were hurt or abused as children. Whether you...
Evicting the Perpetrator: A Male Survivor Guide to Recovery From Childhood Sexual Abuse by Ken Singer MSW
A Male Survivor's Guide to Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse. This new book for male survivors offers a unique perspective about moving past the ways abusers can control a survivor's life for years after the abuse. Through exercises and assignments, survivors will learn how to retake control of their lives. Ken Singer offers clear insights and useful advice about how to support a victim's recovery. Professionals working with survivors (and perpetrators who were sexually abused) and their families will find this a useful addition to their library.
Healing Sexually Betrayed Men and Boys: Treatment for Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Trauma by Richard Gartner
Healing Sexually Betrayed Men and Boys: Treatment for Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Trauma is the new authoritative source for treatment of sexually victimized men and boys. Male victims and survivors of sexual trauma lived in shadow until the turn of the 21st century, when scandal after scandal about the sexual abuse of boys and men shed light on their suffering. These men and boys require different treatment roadmaps than their female counterparts. Yet there is little in the professional literature to help a clinician work with sexually traumatized boys and men.Richard B. Gartner is a seasoned psychologist/psychoanalyst who has worked therapeutically with sexually abused men for over three decades. He is a clinician, advocate, teacher...
Joining Forces: Empowering Male Survivors to Thrive by Howard Fradkin, Ph.D.
This inspirational book was written to empower male survivors of sexual victimization at any age to overcome the effects of trauma and learn to thrive. Male survivors often struggle to feel any sense of hope for the future, so Joining Forces is designed to inspire them and their allies with easily mastered skills developed over the course of psychologist Dr. Howard Fradkin’s 30-year career, and the real-life experiences of other survivors who have learned to thrive.Each chapter invites survivors to dare to dream that they can take another step in their healing process by leaving their isolation behind; challenging their dysfunctional beliefs and replacing them with healthier, functional messages; practicing healing exercises; reading...
No One Wants To Read That You're Happy by Donald D'Haene
Asking as many questions as it answers, is No One Wants to Read That You’re Happy - a tale of faith lost…or found? Will the author find his way out of purgatory? Who will he meet while he is there?Donald D’Haene says, “I have had both the unluckiest and luckiest life.” His second memoir reveals just some of the stories of his journey to survive and triumph in the aftermath of sexual abuse. An unbelievable, yet true, story told with brutal honesty, humor, hope, and history. This ain’t no Brady-Bunch memoir. D’Haene brings the receipts.
Understanding the Sexual Betrayal of Boys and Men: The Trauma of Sexual Abuse by Richard Gartner
Understanding the Sexual Betrayal of Boys and Men: The Trauma of Sexual Abuse is an indispensable go-to book for understanding male sexual victimization. It has become increasingly clear since the 1980s that men and boys, like women and girls, are sexually abused and assaulted in alarming numbers. Yet there have been few resources available to victims, their loved ones, or those trying to help them.Richard B. Gartner was in the vanguard of clinicians treating male sexual victimization and has written extensively about it, initially in professional papers, then in his landmark 1999 book for clinicians Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men, continuing with his 2005 work Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your...
Without Consent by Jim Clemente
Tony Dante is on a winning streak. His perfect conviction rate has earned him a reputation as a talented young prosecutor on the rise in New York's crime-ridden Bronx County. But a dark secret he's hiding may destroy it all when Dante takes on a disturbing case with a link to his troubled past. To tackle the toughest case of his life he'll have to first conquer his greatest fears.