Maryland The Counseling Center of Maryland

Professional Certifications/Specialties
Anxiety , Relationship Issue, Depression, Asperger's Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality (BPD), Codependency, Coping Skills, Divorce, Family, Conflict Grief, Infidelity, Mood Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD), Parenting, Peer Relationships, Personality Disorders, Self Esteem, Self-Harming
In what year did you start working with male survivors of sexual abuse?
Website Address
[email protected]
Business Phone Number
Bethesda, MD
Sliding Fee
Marjorie Kreppel is the founder of The Counseling Center of MarylandTM which provides individual, couples, family, and group mental health counseling using an active and collaborative approach. The Counseling Center of MarylandTM (CCM) is a group therapy practice with a team of psychotherapists, each practicing the gold standard of evidence-based treatment in their chosen specialty. At CCM, Marjorie provides individual, couple, family, and group therapy.

The professionals at The Counseling Center of Maryland use a variety of techniques to help improve the quality of life for individuals, couples, groups, and families. Through our strength-based and collaborative approach, we offer new insights that enable our clients to see things from different perspectives. We provide treatment and counseling for anxiety, depression, grief, emotional regulation issues, self-esteem, relationship concerns, and parenting. Through active and evidenced-based strategies we help empower our clients to make new choices and evoke positive change.

Together, we will look at feelings, thoughts and behaviors as vehicles to positive change using techniques from empirically proven interventions including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cyclical psychodynamics, intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP), cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), and Mindfulness.
Therapist Directory End User Disclaimer

MaleSurvivor.Org offers this Therapist Directory to provide information about the individual practices of licensed mental health providers. MaleSurvivor.Org makes no claims about the specific skills of any providers listed here or their abilities to work with any specific individual.

While MaleSurvivor.Org exercises due diligence to ensure current licensure in good standing with the appropriate boards/agencies, it does not examine, determine, or warrant the competence of any provider listed in this directory. All the listed providers have attested to MaleSurvivor.Org that the provider carries the appropriate professional liability insurance.

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