Washington Rebuilding Hope Sexual Assault Center

Professional License type
program specific --All Therapists are Master's level Licensed Clinicians or Master's level Interns
Professional Certifications/Specialties
Sexual Assault, abuse, harassment, commercial sexual exploitation
In what year did you start working with male survivors of sexual abuse?
Website Address
[email protected]
Business Phone Number
Tacoma, WA, Bremerton, WA and offering teletherapy to residents of Pierce & Kitsap Counties
Initial Cost for Consult
varies we offer a very low sliding fee scale for those in need
Length of Initial Consult
each session is 50 minutes (Intake may take 1-3 sessions)
Sliding Fee
Rebuilding Hope Sexual Assault Center is a community certified sexual assault program serving residents of Pierce and Kitsap counties. In addition to advocacy and supportive services we offer in-person and teletherapy sexual trauma focused treatment to teen and adult, primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault, abuse, harassment and commercial sexual exploitation. We also offer teletherapy in Spanish. The therapy program has been in operation for over 30 years. All of our providers are master's level licensed practitioners or master's level interns with specialized training in evidence-based sexual assault treatments including Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

We utilize other approaches as well depending on the needs of clients and staff training/experience. We do accept some private insurance and also offer a very generous sliding fee scale. Interested survivors may reach out to the agency support line at 1 (855) 757-7273 anytime to request being added to our therapy waiting list (wait times vary) in order to be scheduled with an available therapist.
Therapist Directory End User Disclaimer

MaleSurvivor.Org offers this Therapist Directory to provide information about the individual practices of licensed mental health providers. MaleSurvivor.Org makes no claims about the specific skills of any providers listed here or their abilities to work with any specific individual.

While MaleSurvivor.Org exercises due diligence to ensure current licensure in good standing with the appropriate boards/agencies, it does not examine, determine, or warrant the competence of any provider listed in this directory. All the listed providers have attested to MaleSurvivor.Org that the provider carries the appropriate professional liability insurance.

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