New York Marce Abramovich LCSW-R - Gay Men's Therapy

Professional License type
LCSW-R. Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Professional Certifications/Specialties
Gay men. Male survivors of sexual abuse.
In what year did you start working with male survivors of sexual abuse?
Website Address
[email protected]
Business Phone Number
928 Broadway, NYC, NY 10010
Length of Initial Consult
45 Minutes
Sliding Fee
When facing life's difficult challenges, it is good to know that there are places that you can turn to for help and guidance. However, finding a gay therapist can be anxiety producing because when people decide they would benefit from seeing a therapist, they are often experiencing significant upset in their lives. This is usually not the ideal moment to be dealing with the stress involved in finding someone with whom it feels safe and right to be vulnerable. I am aware of this and I want you to know that when we meet you will find yourself in a comfortable setting where you will be able to tell your story in strict confidence and without the worries of judgment or pressure of any type. We will discuss what you are interested in working on and how I will be able to help you. There will be no pressure to make any decisions or commitments. .

I believe that therapy is a tool for fixing interpersonal problems, helping with painful life situations, tackling the "tough stuff", helping fine tune relationships, and getting back on the road to success in life.

Sometimes things don't quite work out as planned and a time of transition can become a major life challenge. My role is to help identify the most difficult parts of this change and to support you so you can move into these new phases with greater support and confidence.”

I have over twenty four years of multifaceted clinical experience working successfully with clients of different age, gender, religion, culture and personality.

My therapeutic experience with clients includes a broad range of issues including depression, mood disorders, past trauma, anxiety, stress grief, loss, intimacy, communication skills, self-esteem and body image, personal growth and life transitions.

Many individuals can experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events. I can help you overcome these symptoms and guide you through the process of grief and healing.

My focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths. Reducing pain, shame and increase self-steam is an important component of treatment. I achieve these long lasting changes by providing a neutral safe space, listening to your concerns and customizing a treatment plan.
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MaleSurvivor.Org offers this Therapist Directory to provide information about the individual practices of licensed mental health providers. MaleSurvivor.Org makes no claims about the specific skills of any providers listed here or their abilities to work with any specific individual.

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Gay Men's Therapy
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