Ohio Karen Weiman Counseling

Professional License type
Professional Certifications/Specialties
Trauma, PTSD, C-PTSD
In what year did you start working with male survivors of sexual abuse?
Website Address
[email protected]
Business Phone Number
Located in Columbus Ohio but all services are virtual and I serve all those in the states of Ohio and Michigan
Initial Cost for Consult
Length of Initial Consult
15 minutes
Sliding Fee
I have been in the mental health field for 20+ years helping adults feel relief from the effects of childhood physical, sexual, relational, developmental and complex trauma.

ABOUT MY CLIENTS: You appear driven and well put together from the outside, but are struggling internally. The anxiety, the fear, the insecurities, it is all starting to feel unmanageable. You've had it tough and you think how you are feeling now could be related to your past experience(s). You want to move past it and forward so you can live your best life. **If your life is inhibited by your past in any way, this could be the right place for you.**

MY BACKGROUND AND APPROACH: I have been working with trauma (and the resulting anxiety) since 1998. I use EMDR and NARM therapies to get to the root of your symptoms. This deeper therapy is known to have lasting results (not a Band-Aid!). My therapy is Change Therapy, not just Support Therapy. I provide therapy unique to you. I will offer mental health expertise and interventions to help you feel better long-term so the same issues do not keep reappearing. You will learn new perspectives and develop a sense of agency and control over your emotions, and with the use of EMDR, you will “rewire” your brain to heal your deep wounds. This can help you eliminate negative patterns, have healthy relationships, and feel alive again.

Every day I am reminded that crappy things happen to good people and we have absolutely no control over it. It sucks. And it is not fair. As a seasoned clinician, I realize what it takes to reach out and decide if it is time to seek assistance for a personal or family matter. I have seen over and over again that investing in your emotional health now will have lasting benefits not only for you but for your loved ones and others you encounter in life.

I make it easy to get help from the comfort of your own home, providing telehealth sessions for adults in Ohio or Michigan and 24/7 self-scheduling. Getting started is simple: Instead of playing phone tag, visit my website and self- schedule a free phone consult. Or, you are welcome to call anytime: 740-274-9283.
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MaleSurvivor.Org offers this Therapist Directory to provide information about the individual practices of licensed mental health providers. MaleSurvivor.Org makes no claims about the specific skills of any providers listed here or their abilities to work with any specific individual.

While MaleSurvivor.Org exercises due diligence to ensure current licensure in good standing with the appropriate boards/agencies, it does not examine, determine, or warrant the competence of any provider listed in this directory. All the listed providers have attested to MaleSurvivor.Org that the provider carries the appropriate professional liability insurance.

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Karen Weiman
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