Tennessee Emily St. Amant Counseling, PLLC

Professional License type
Licensed Professional Counselor, Mental Health Service Provider (TN)
Professional Certifications/Specialties
In what year did you start working with male survivors of sexual abuse?
Website Address
[email protected]
Business Phone Number
Telehealth throughout Tennessee
Initial Cost for Consult
Free 15-minute phone consultation; Intake assessment $175
Length of Initial Consult
60-90 minutes intake appointment
Sliding Fee
I am a licensed professional counselor in Tennessee. I work with teens (16+) and adults who are dealing with things like stress, difficult transitions and circumstances, traumatic events, grief, discrimination, and systemic marginalization.

I specialize in working with people seeking recovery from the abuse they experienced in their families, intimate relationships, workplaces, religious and faith communities, and also survivors of cults and other high-demand/control groups. I work with many people who have experienced various types of trauma, including sexual assault, violence, child abuse, and neglect. Additionally, I work with those who are living with mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, suicide risk, and post-traumatic stress disorder. I also specialize in working with people seeking recovery from substance use and also welcome clients who are active substance users.

I enjoy working with clients from diverse backgrounds and strive to offer a safe, affirming space for the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, disabled individuals, and other marginalized groups. Being a military spouse myself, I am honored to work with active military members, their families, and veterans. I’m a former minister, and this makes me a great fit for current and former faith leaders who are dealing with personal issues, struggling in their faith or church placement, or transitioning out of the ministry. I identify as neurodiverse and love working with others who also see the world a little differently.

Those who work with me can expect to experience a safe and supportive space. My approach is very down to earth, and I aim to use research-backed therapy interventions in a way that’s accessible and helpful. I believe no two people need the same approach. There is no universal formula for creating positive change. Your path is your own. The job of a counselor is to help you find your footing and support you on your unique journey.

You can visit my website to learn more, including information about what insurance I work with.

Please reach out to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if we’re a good fit and with any questions.
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