Oregon Ask Counseling LLC

Professional License type
Licensed Professional Counselor
Professional Certifications/Specialties
Certified Brainspotting Consultant; Certified IFS Therapist (Level 3); Certified in Trauma, ADHD, Autism Counseling; Certified in Neurodiverse Couples Counseling
In what year did you start working with male survivors of sexual abuse?
Website Address
[email protected]
Business Phone Number
Portland, Oregon
Initial Cost for Consult
Length of Initial Consult
20 minutes
Sliding Fee
My name is Elaine Korngold and I counsel individual adults and couples online and in-person in my private practice, Ask Counseling LLC, in Oregon. I also treat clients online in Florida, South Carolina, Vermont, New Hampshire, and internationally. I help people process complex emotions, build resilience, and adopt new behaviors as they deal with issues related to: Trauma and Acute Traumatic Stress, ADHD, Autism, Neurodiversity, and Relationships.
I integrate Brainspotting therapy and Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy / Parts Work in my practice to treat a wide variety of conditions including anxiety, depression, neurodiversity, ADHD and Autism-related issues, phobias, chronic pain, PTSD and complex trauma, low self-esteem, money and career struggles, or relationship challenges.

Brainspotting therapy is a powerful, focused brain-body treatment method that allows us to identify, process and release core neurophysiological sources of emotional and physical pain. We can access and heal unhealthy coping strategies associated with early childhood trauma or PTSD. Brainspotting helps clients move beyond trauma, focus on post traumatic growth, flourish, live abundantly, and make positive transitions.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) model is an evidence-based psychotherapy based on the idea that we each have a family of parts living with us that can be healed with our Self energy. An IFS therapist helps clients get to know the parts that protect them. The client is supported in helping those parts to relax and to separate their feelings and beliefs from the client, in order to open more space inside and access Self energy. As this happens, clients spontaneously report feeling calm, curious and compassionate towards their parts.
Therapist Directory End User Disclaimer

MaleSurvivor.Org offers this Therapist Directory to provide information about the individual practices of licensed mental health providers. MaleSurvivor.Org makes no claims about the specific skills of any providers listed here or their abilities to work with any specific individual.

While MaleSurvivor.Org exercises due diligence to ensure current licensure in good standing with the appropriate boards/agencies, it does not examine, determine, or warrant the competence of any provider listed in this directory. All the listed providers have attested to MaleSurvivor.Org that the provider carries the appropriate professional liability insurance.

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